The Ultimate Showdown: Lab Grown Diamonds vs. Natural Diamonds

First, lets start off with the one question everyone asks…

Q: What are lab grown diamonds?
A: Well, Unlike moissanite, or cubic zirconia, a lab-grown diamond is a diamond chemically speaking.

“Lab grown, does not necessarily mean fake. Lab grown diamonds are grown from a diamond seed, just created in a lab with a controlled environment. To the naked and magnified eye, they are the same.

Next, let’s dig into a natural diamond.

Q: Well, really, there are no natural diamond questions. Natural diamonds have been around for well… ever and have stood all of the tests of time.

A: Basically, one of the main factors most consumers debate in the “showdown” is price.

  • Over the course of the lab grown boom, we have seen prices drop, availability significantly increase, and purchases of lab growns soar!
  • Although price is very good, resale is not so good. There is little resale value in the lab grown diamond, if any. (The future of lab grown diamonds in jewelry is most uncertain.) Whereas, a natural diamond has maintained, and/or gone up in value over time.
  • Lab grown diamonds are great for anyone looking for “big bang” for your buck! They come in all of the CCC (COLOR, CUT, CLARITY) of a natural diamond, however you can get a better quality at a lower price.

In the end, the allure of a natural diamond has ALWAYS been that they are an amazing NATURAL product of the earth, that takes millions of years to form.

Salt Lake City Diamonds

Salt Lake City Diamonds is here for all of your LAB GROWN, or NATURAL diamond needs. We are in the store to serve you Tue.-Fri. from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m, and available on 24 hours a day. Just drop us a line through our contact form by accessing the icon in the bottom right hand corner.