How Do You Clean Jewelry?

Our Jewelry is treasured. Especially our our diamond wedding rings. Its beautiful, it sparkles, shines, and the memories it hold from past and present mean so much. The best way to keep an engagement ring shiny is to clean it regularly. Salt Lake City Diamonds ALWAYS cleans your precious pieces at no charge. However, you can’t always make it in for cleanings – well – because life happens right?!? Oil, debris, and residue from lotion, shampoo, hairspray, and so many other things can accumulate leaving your jewelry dirty, and discolored. In worse case scenarios, this could leave to bacteria build up under the ring and skin irritations. Salt Lake City Diamonds has a great, easy to follow list for you to follow for at home diamond ring cleanings.

  • Fill up a bowl with warm water
  • Mix in a few drops of mild dishwashing soap
  • Soak your diamond ring for 30-ish minutes
  • Use a soft bristle toothbrush, and gently clean the ring and diamond
  • Pat the ring dry with a soft cloth, or simply air dry it

The soft bristles of the toothbrush work well to reach in the crevices of the prongs and clean the underside of the diamond. This happens to be the area that collects most oils and dirt.

Make sure your are gentle with the ring, especially if it is an older heirloom piece, or if it
is a tension setting.

NEVER use any cleansers containing chlorine on your diamond and gold wedding rings.

Remember toothpaste is too abrasive for gold cleaning.

If you happen to have an ultrasonic cleaner, be careful and remember stones can be shaken out of the jewelry easily.

Remember it is ALWAYS better to have your jewelry cleaned and inspected by a jewelry professional. Salt Lake City Diamonds is here TUE-FRI 10-6. Stop in and give us 5 minutes of your time. We will make sure your ring shines like it did when you were proposed to.

Salt Lake City Diamonds